2004 Common Media
Similarities between 2004 and now:
Email was commonly listed both now and in 2004.
The Internet (the Web)
Some similar class music
Video games
TV shows
Cell Phones
Although Email was listed in both years, most students now listed Gmail. In the old pages, more types of email like Hotmail, Yahoo Mail, an Neo Mail were listed. Also, some students specified that they used email to chat with friends and family, unlike today's students who use it for less informal communication.
Radio was listed in most of the pages from 2004, but very few now. Spotify and other web/mobile app music platforms have taken over as the primary music media.
Instant messenger from 2004 has now been replaced by texting.
Newspapers were commonly listed in 2004, but no one listed newspaper this year.
Expansion of the Internet and development of smart phones have been the main contributing factors to almost all changes in common media by students in the last 15 years.
Radio was replaced by Spotify, and Pandora/iHeartRadio before that. All of the new media take place primary through smart phones.
IM is now in the form of texting and other messaging apps on smart phones.
Newspapers have been greatly replaced by online news. Even in 2004, many students listed news websites in their daily media.